Canadian Concussion Network-Réseau Canadien des Commotions

5th Annual Meeting

June 9-10, 2025 | Victoria, British Columbia

Join us for an exciting and interactive event

CCN-RCC 5th Annual Meeting

On behalf of the CCN-RCC Executive Committee and Advisory Council, we are pleased to announce that the 5th Annual Meeting (CCN-RCC 2025) will be held from June 9-10, 2025, in Victoria, British Columbia.

Click here to view the CCN-RCC 5th Annual Meeting Preliminary Agenda. 

Our conference aims to bring together leading clinicians, researchers, and community members to exchange ideas and share their experiences and new avenues in concussion diagnosis, treatment and long-term management. The CCN-RCC Annual Meeting will highlight research symposia (including panel discussions engaging patient, community, and industry partners), keynote speakers, and scientific abstract podium and poster presentations by experts from leading institutions across Canada.

On behalf of the Program Committee, we look forward to seeing you. 

Click here to see the recordings from the CCN-RCC 1st, 2nd and 3rd Annual Meetings.

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